
Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Color Theme Photoshop CS4

Learn Photoshop by sampriste congratulations

Anything related to graphics must not escape from the vector andcolor. There are two top point when starting a project, followed byproportional and combination.
Sometimes designing business cards aja pake already confused about what the concept, which is the color. If we want the concept of techno, definitely a cool n warna2 unsur2 technology and so on.

Tazewell Catalog Layout: color (blue, gray, white)

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If confused about which combination is used colors let ga collided,skrg pshop already existing applications, Kuler name (not a hammertp Kuler, 
Windows Menu-Extension-Kuler

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Base Color-clay on her, it is the color of your choice and it will be displayed with the secular synchronous its color or color theme.
Dikuler also we can set RGBnya or CMYK color for each setting oneach project. (I am more familiar with the RGB).
Kuler is actually not able to determine the color combinations that are suitable for our use for any design. Kuler can determine thespecific color dots on each chart color according to the coordinates of the Color Picker. Combination results in the show at this Kulerbenar2 help us to mix mortar warna2 that maybe you could worshippraise your own preparations, 

Way of life? Easy wrote.

First you define your own color you want. Calm? Cheerful? Elegant?But hit a cool color? = P DOT again 
On the Select Rule, you are free to choose the color combinationchart.
For example I want to create a business card with the concept ofcolor to green. Then we must first tentuin Rule. I select theMonochromatic. Color combinations that are not too extreme (alsocalled MONO = one kind)

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Base Color To get it we can select the CLICK pointnya n Drag incolor with a circle round the BIG
dasar photoshop
green color combinations can eventually we can choose according toyour interests and your tastes. So do not look for color combinationssusah2 special MONO GREEN color.

How to use color with secular results, simply double Kilik boxjamming the Kuler color itso it can be moved to the ForegroundColor coloror Copas (copy-paste) it to a Hex number hex on theColor Picker.

and to seek personalized color combinationswe can C & D (Click &Dragto the base colornya spherespheres BIG was the best.
Good-INNOVATION! Coloring Your Style!

may be useful

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